Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Relationship Filibuster

The Cherry Blossoms are out, it is Springtime once again in the District of Columbia. I am proud to announce it's my one year anniversary with the city - our relationship is still going strong. We've made it through unemployment, crazy landlords, a break up, the dating scene, 3 moves (yes 3 different addresses), training a puppy, interoffice drama, family weddings, and the holidays. The last year in retrospect has completely flipped my world upside down and for the better. This little South Carolinian is now a resident of (what I refer to as) the capital of the world and I'm loving every minute of it.

Now it's no surprise that in my world of twenty somethings the topic of men monopolize the conversation. This post is dedicated to the women of DC trying to find love, keep love, and make it last.

The following are conversations I've overheard within the past 2 months in the city limits:

Shacking Up
Girl #1, "My boyfriend just said we should move in together because his lease is up next month". Girl #2, "Dude, you just got proposed to... over gchat".

The Lame Duck
Girl #1, "Ugh he's so annoying, but he did just helped me move so I'm in for at least 3 more disappointing sex sessions". Girl #2, "Don't sell yourself short - go for the premature bj then bail".

The Perfect Political Union
Girl # 1, "So he finally proposed just the way she instructed him to". Girl #2, "Yea, he's gay".

One Way Commute
Guy #1, "I'd do anything for sex right now". Guy #2, "Would you go to NoVa"? Guy #1, "Fuck that dude, I don't like girls that much".

Ol' Reliable
Girl to a girl friend, "She's like a Camry, a lot of in-town miles".

Cyber Sex
Guy to a male friend, "You should use OK Cupid because it's like eHarmony with no commitment".

The Magic Number
Guy to male friend, "I'm done with feeling like if I'm not married by the time I'm 26 I'm a failure".

The Great Divide 
Girl to younger girl, "You wouldn't understand because you're 22, but when you're our age [early 30s] the statue of limitation is 3 months. Then you know whether or not you're getting married". Boyfriend of younger girl, "Can we say 6 months"?

Just remind yourself, it could always be worse. Laugh at all the ridiculous moments - it's funny not frightening. Learn from your mistake, brush yourself off and get right back out into the fight. The men are plentiful, just be intuitive to what they are searching for as well. No one wants to be the flavor of the month only to be the last to realize it as he kicks you to the curb. Watch out for the clingers, the piggy-backers, and the scumbags. Yea that's about it...

Seriously, think about it: the dates with politicos downtown, the nights with the perfect tourist in Georgetown, the sex that makes your toes curl - these are the stories that make up your year, the stories that drive your happy hour and the ones that cause you and your roommates to break out into spontaneous dancing and laughter like you just won the lotto. Embrace it, don't fight it, let go lady! So he hasn't asked you out yet, so he hasn't proposed yet, so you haven't met him yet - don't sweat it! If you worry about the technicalities you miss all the little things that make up the big picture. Take each day in one at a time.

As soon as you start to worry about your timeline for being married and having babies you put yourself at a disadvantage. After all, what man will want to a date a crazy woman obsessed with walking down the aisle? I don't care if you're 18 or 38 - enjoy your life and you will naturally attract the right kind of people into your life. I know we are a city full of control freaks, so excuse the partisan rhetoric, but over regulation of your love life can lead to relationship deficits.

It's true, relationships take a back seat to work around here. Don't confuse your man's work ethic with avoiding your relationship. It's easy to place the blame on everyone else, meanwhile you are running your mouth and analyzing everything from his eating habits to his friends. Talk, talk, talk... who's filibustering who? Yield the floor dummy.

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